Global Bot Commands

The commands

Commands for AradaxusTM who resides on Twitch.TV and YouTube

  • !uptime – The stream has been live for {uptime}.
  • !hug – /me hugs {} <3
  • !game – {} is playing {} .
  • !stream – Title: {channel.title} | Game: {} | Viewers: {channel.viewers}.
  • !followage – {} has been following {} for {touser.followage}.
  • !title – {}’s title is {channel.title}.
  • !quote – Trigger a random or specific quote.
  • !join – Allows a viewer to join the queue.
  • !leave – Allows a viewer to leave the queue.
  • !request – Add a video to the queue.
  • !video – Show current video.
  • !skip = Viewers can vote to skip a video
  • !wrongvideo = Allows a user to remove their last requested video.
  • !points = Displays the amount of currency the user has.
  • !top = Displays a list of Top users based on points.
  • !tophours = Displays a list of Top users based on hours.
  • !give – Give points from a user using !give <name> <amount>
  • !heist – Allows viewers to start a heist.
  • !vote – Register your vote in a poll
  • !bet – Register your bet.
  • !mybet – Check what you have bet on.
  • !gamble – Allows viewers to gamble using their points.
  • !8ball – Allows viewers to ask questions to eight ball.
  • !slots – Allows viewers to gamble points on the slot machine.
  • !duel – Allows viewers to duel with each other for points.
  • !accept – Allows viewer to accept a duel.
  • !deny – Allows viewer to deny a duel.
  • !cancel – Allows viewer to cancel the initiated duel.
  • !redeem – Allows viewers to redeem items from your loyalty store through chat


Commands for Hildr bot who can be found in the Discord Channel

When using the forward-slash command / then you will see available commands to you by this bot.

  • !rickroll
  • !8ball
  • !epicness
  • /inviter – Check who invited a particular member
  • /invites – Display your invite link and your invite stats
  • /invites-leaderboard – Display the invites leaderboard


Commands for Arad who can be found in the Discord Server

  • Command Prefix’s start with  – ? for direct commands.
  • When using the forward-slash command / then you will see available commands to you by this bot.


Commands for Araxisbot who can be found in the Discord Server

This bot has become less cooperative the older it gets. We have classified it as a “Rogue A.I.”

There are no commands and no words!

Last updated: 05/02/2024